How do I start an SE Timer session?

Tap the Spiritual Exercise Timer on the MSIA App.


Tap Create new timer at the bottom to set up an SE Timer session.


Select the time period for your SE session with the hour, minute, and second dials.


If you want to save this session for future use, select Save preset by sliding the slider to the right.


This brings up the Title field and your keyboard. Create a name for your preset title.


Tap Warm-up if you want a short pause before your SE Timer session begins.


Important -- select the number of Warm-up seconds you want at the top (up to 59 seconds) by swiping to the right.


Select a Warm-up sound (if you want one), then tap Save at the bottom.


Tap Start to pick a sound to begin your SE session and then tap Save at the bottom.


Tap End to pick a sound to end your SE session and then tap Save at the bottom.


If you want an interval sound during your SE's, tap Interval.


Select the interval time at the top. For example, if you are doing SE's for an hour, you could do an interval sound at 30 minutes.


Select the sound you want and Save.


Begin your SE session by tapping Start Timer at the bottom of your screen.


You must start the SE session you just created in order to save it as a preset.


Setting an Intention


Set an Intention is an option to write down the intention for your SE session. If you do, it will be saved in your SE History for this session.


Tap Intention (optional) to type in your SE intention if you want.


Tap Start when you are ready to begin or after you have typed your intention.


Your session will begin with the warm up count down (if selected) or straight into SE Timer.


Completing a session


When the session is over, you can either tap Don't Log or Finish.


Finish takes you to the How was your session? screen where you can journal about your SE session.


You can tap Notes (optional) and type in your SE journal entry or directly tap Save to exit.